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Monday, June 09, 2008

Men's Health Week

Men’s Health Week, celebrated annually across the country during the week preceding and including Father’s Day, honors the importance of men's health and wellness. Men’s Health Month is celebrated with screenings, health fairs, media appearances, and other health education and outreach activities. 

Although not officially recognized by congress, men’s health activists observe Men’s Health Month throughout June. What can you do to celebrate? Plan a "Wear Blue" event to help spread the knowledge of Men's Health Month.

Men’s Health Week was created by Congress in 1994 to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. The bills creating Men’s Health Week were sponsored by former Senator Bob Dole and former Congressman Bill Richardson. The sponsors cited the cost-effectiveness of a shift from treatment to prevention in health care emphasis when presenting the bill. The supporters of Men's Health Week also noted that prevention requires public awareness and designating a week would spread information on preventing illnesses affecting men.

Observing Men's Health Week is meant to educate the public about what can be done to improve the state of men's health and provide free and convenient health services to men who wouldn't otherwise receive such care.

Source Wikipedia

Read More About Mens Health Week Click Here

Remember the men in your life.

Send them a card. I'll pay for the first 2.

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How to reverse Heart Disease

 edited 1/24/2015

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

As reported on the Network News today!!!

The US government is going to ban sick cows from our food supply and the ban will take effect in several months.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

T'ai Chi Offers A Way To Fight Stress

A study done by Kaiser Permenente found that unmanaged stress was the root cause of about 70 percent of patients' health problems.

That means "If you can get rid of stress, you can avoid 70% of health problems."

Deepak Chopra, M.D., world-renowned physician and author who integrates mind, body, and spirit into health and healing, has said that every pharmaceutical is already in the human body, and natural techniques can trigger the release of those chemicals to promote healing.

"That's really what Tai Chi and Qigong are designed to do, by using gentle movements and breathing techniques to constantly cleanse stress from the body," to remove the blocks and allow the flow of energy.

Author Bill Douglas writes
"Whether you are stressed out, continually exhausted, treating a health problem, or just wanting to get in shape and feel young again, Tai Chi is just what you need. Tai Chi goes right to the heart of everything we do by healing and cleansing the central nervous system. Tai Chi helps us to let go of all the nervous tension that bogs down our mental computer system (like getting a general tune up every day). This makes everything inside us work better, which often makes the world around us seem better, too."
In only 20 minutes a day, you can gain the health benefits of Tai Chi Chuan: increased strength and energy, better balance, and improved bodily awareness. Excellent for beginning students, those who want a low-impact alternative to jogging or aerobics, and those with limited time for exercise.
The most immediate health benefits of t'ai chi practice are improved posture, flexibility, balance, circulation, metabolism, and neuro-muscular function, and a strengthened immune system.  ~~ Terry Dunn
Visit my blog Tea and T'ai Chi

image Tai Chi Guy by DCMatt
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)

updated 4/30/17